Negotiation framework for remuneration payments

Michael Ambühl and Tobias Langenegger wrote in the ‘Zukunftsblog’ about their practical work as facilitators to establish a negotiation framework for possible remuneration payments to the siting regions of deep geological repositories for nuclear waste.

The safe disposal of radioactive waste is a problem, for which there is not yet a permanent solution anywhere in the world. In Switzerland, the process to find a suitable location is still ongoing. The sole criteria to choose the location for a deep geological repository is safety. However, there is a general consensus that the regions selected for the sites should receive financial payments for their contribution to the solution of this problem. But the amount of these payments is not regulated by law and should therefore be determined through negotiation.

Our chair was mandated by the Swiss Federal Office of Energy to develop, in accordance with all involved parties, a framework for these future negotiations. And on 22 September, this document was signed by the 20 people involved in the process.

Article in the ETH Zukunftsblog

external page Press release by the Swiss Federal Office of Energy

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