NZZ op-ed: The EU, Brexit and Switzerland

Michael Ambühl and Daniela Scherer wrote an analysis for the Neue Zürcher Zeitung on the EU, Brexit and Switzerland

What commonalities do Switzerland and the UK share in view of the Swiss-EU bilateral path and the post-Brexit relationship between UK and the EU? In a series of publications, our chair looked at different aspects of the challenges that arise with the execution of Brexit and we analyze whether the Swiss model could be a viable role model for a post-Brexit settlement. We also discuss the potential effects that Brexit could have on Switzerland.

Ambühl, M. and Scherer, D. 11.12.2017. “Die EU, der Brexit und die Schweiz”, Neue Zürcher Zeitung.
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Ambühl, M., Gutmann, M. and Scherer, D. S. (2018), “The Swiss model—a viable role model for a post-Brexit settlement?” Public Money and Management. external page

Ambühl, M. and Scherer, D. (2017), “Free movement of persons—is regulation possible?” In Kellerhals, A. and Baumgartner, T. (Eds), New Dynamics in the European Integration Process— Europe Post Brexit (Schulthess).
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